Vibrator Guide For Women
The following guide explains the 14 different styles of vibrators for women. Think about what you like
during foreplay and sex - by combining the qualities that you enjoy the most with the features on a massager, you
can find the one perfectly suited to your needs.
See all the vibrators for women.

Penis Vibrators
The realistic penis vibrator is made to look life like to simulate the sensation of sexual intercourse with a man.
Couples can use these during foreplay, it allows the woman to enjoy imitation sex and she can have the opportunity to reach a climax without the risk of premature ejaculation from her partner.
The material it's made of has a large effect on how real it will feel. The most common materials used in constructing a penis vibrator are latex, rubber and Cyberskin or other similar skin-like materials. The most life like looking vibrator is this realistic vibrating cock.
Latex is a cheaper option and often feels foam like, rubber tends to be more realistic but it feels cold until it absorbs your body temperature. Cyberskin and other similar silicone blends like Futurotic feel the most like life, accurately replicating the solid center of an erection with the silky smooth skin on the surface.

G-spot Vibrators
You'll immediately feel it when the curved tip comes into contact with your magic pleasure point. The G spot is only a few inches inside the vagina facing the belly button so when you're locating it with the curved tip, make sure not to insert it too far.
G-spot vibrators are perfect for explosive orgasms that originate from inside the pelvis. These orgasms feel more powerful them the clitoral orgasm because you'll feel your muscles clenching and pulsing ferociously inside your body, it's a more wholesome sexual experience.
The difference between each individual g-spot massager lies in the construction of the shaft. The thick ones have less of a pinpoint stimulating effect but they are effective if you like sensation on the interior walls of the vagina. The long and slim g-spot massagers are very precise. Each design has a totally different feel and these sex toys are considered by many to be a staple in the bedroom.

Rabbit Vibrators
The most common sex toy for women and the most important style in the vibrator guide, made popular by TV shows and the general media this really is the creme-de-la creme of all sex toys.
The pair of rabbit ears on the tip of the stimulator extension is designed to "hug" the clitoris, with one ear on each side, cradling the clitoris in the middle. You might have to lift up your clitoral folds to actually set the rabbit ears around your clitoris for it to take full effect.
Rabbit vibrators are not for thrusting in and out, because the ears will not make constant contact with your clitoris. Insert it, and leave it there, just lay back and let it do all the work! One of the best selling sex toys for good reason, it's very easy to have an strong orgasm very quickly and most women would agree, these is no other personal massager that can offer the same intensity of pleasure.

Clitoral Vibrators
This popular style has an extension emerging from the shaft that offers external stimulation in addition to internal massage. They are similar to the rabbits but there is 1 fundamental change.
The difference between this style and the rabbit vibrator is that these vibes do not cradle the clitoris like the rabbit ears. You'll find blunt thumb-like shapes and other "animals" that all have a single point which is supposed to sit bluntly over the clitoris. The clitoral vibrator will give you more firm pressure on the clitoris.
A great choice if you require heavy clitoral massage to reach a stronger orgasm, we would suggest looking for a model with a more blunt shape. Our favorite style is the is the Wild G vibrator it's an extremely effective model and one of our best sellers. The Triple Flex is another great suggestion, the tip vibrates with high pitch intensity and it can be best described as "powerful teasing".

Plastic Vibrators
Plastic reverberates vibrations, making them among the most powerful of all sex toys for women. Consequently, they tend to be very noisy, but if you are alone in the house, let it roar because the intensity is very strong.
Plastic vibrators are great for thrusting because of their smooth and straight shaft. The Tiger vibrator is a great example. The motor is usually located at the tip, allowing for the deepest vibration with the most concentrated power. They can also be used as a clitoral stimulator or muscle massager because the tip is usually tapered of pointed.
Often thin or small, and usually very cheap compared to other materials, it's a popular choice for first timers. We like these for beginners but the noise is usually too interfering so it's not necessarily the best way to start exploring with adult toys. If you want pure unaltered power, the plastic form is a great choice but make sure to check how many batteries it uses, the more batteries they take the stronger it will be.

Vibrators with Sleeves
The removable textured rubber sleeve adds a new sensation to the smooth vibrator so it's like having two vibrators in one. The most common combinations are a plastic vibe with a rubber or gel sleeve. The sleeves add girth and some can be quite thick and like the Classic Couple Kit.
If you enjoy the feel of different textures, this is a more economical choice, one of the most popular styles is the Aquarius vibrator.
A very important note: Be sure to put lubricant INSIDE the sleeve and ON the vibrator before you put on the sleeve or you won't be able to remove it, it will create an air suction and be virtually impossible to remove! If you do get a vacuum suction created and you can't remove the sleeve, try puncturing a tiny hole in the sleeve so that air can get in and that should release the vacuum so you can remove the sleeve.

Latex Vibrators
Latex rubber feels soft, airy, and foam like. The feeling is filing yet giving and comfortable. Usually they have subtle, soft vibrations because the material absorbs the vibration waves.
Latex is a great choice is you require a very silent motor because the material muffles the sound, making these the quietest among all vibrating sex toys. A very quiet natural rubber vibrator is the Clitterific Penis.
Latex is very soft so the shapes are usually very basic because unlike jelly, it can't hold a crooked or bumpy shape. Latex is an inexpensive material and these are usually the cheapest adult toys. As you insert it into your vagina, it will conform to the curves and creases so this is a great choice for the first timer. Often it can have a slick rubber coating on the to allow it to glide better but regardless we always suggest that you use lubrication to allow it to slide more comfortably. We like the Purple Hottie as a first timer's choice

Jelly Vibrators
One of the most versatile styles, the textures range from squishy to thick and sculpted. On average they are quiet because the material absorbs sound waves.
Jelly feels slick and slippery, you must use lubrication or the material will pull on your skin causing discomfort. Once you lube up the surface, the possibilities are endless. A very soft example is the Jelly Bendy Vibrator and a solid, dense example is the Devil Dick.
A concern about jelly is the sanitation. They are the most porous material and some can contain phthalates which is a chemical that can cause skin irritations and other medical concerns. Research is currently underway to see if it can cause cancer. Jelly vibrators are still mass produced because they are the cheapest out of all the styles, and some women can't afford or don't want to get another style. If you are concerned about toxins in the sex toys, we suggest covering them with a condom before use.
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