Dark brown textured latex penis extender.

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Latex Penis Extension Noduled 2.5 Inch Brown
Latex Penis Extension Noduled 2.5 Inch Brown Latex Penis Extension Noduled 2.5 Inch Brown Latex Penis Extension Noduled 2.5 Inch Brown Latex Penis Extension Noduled 2.5 Inch Brown

Latex Penis Extension Noduled 2.5 Inch Brown

A cheap way to get a longer penis. This extender is made of latex with a foam tip also coated in latex. The foam is comfortable for your partner and the thin sheath covering the sides of your shaft allow you to feel some of the sensations from your partner's body warmth. There are numerous bumps on the end which add a bumpy aspect she may really enjoy.

The foam filled head measures 2 1/2 inches long and 1 1/2 inches wide. The latex sheath measures 5 inches long and is stretchy and fits over your erection similar to a condom.

Price $8.99
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