Sex toy guides.
More than just alluring designs and pretty colors, there is a reason behind every curve, bulge and bump. Each shape has an intended purpose, but if the visitor is unfamiliar with sex toys it is easy to be confused about what they do. Luckily, we have one of the most comprehensive sex toy guides that break down in detail the different styles. The information tells a customer pertinent usage details; when making a purchase, every adult knows exactly what to expect.Vibrator guide.
Discover 14 different styles of vibrators. Some may find it hard to believe that we can break them down to this many types, but this is one of the largest categories so it will make sense in the end.Male sex toy guide.
Men know about the pocket pussy, but it does not end there. Research the multiple styles of masturbators to know what style appeals most to the individual desire.Cock rings guide.
Inspecting details on 8 styles of cock rings, each serve their own purpose. Familiarize oneself with these small and underrated sexual enhancement devices.Anal sex toy guide.
A favorite section for the sexually curious as this unexplored final realm holds the key to extreme pleasure. Explanations to the major categories of anal toys make your decision easy.Clit toy guide.
A category just as complex as vibrators, except these guys are tiny and discreet. The education center features 12 styles of clitoral stimulators for women.Dildo guide.
Focuses mainly on the assorted materials to make a dildo. This is what differentiates them from one another, read on to discover 10 types to get your passion peaking.Strap on guide.
The most important sex toy guide focuses on the dildo harness. An advanced item for couples with many facets to consider depending on what your needs with 11 styles to get the perfect fit.© Legend Sales Corp. 2012 All Rights Reserved
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